Thursday, May 26, 2016

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (128)

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows Reviews. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
Who Would Your Professor Crush Be?

It would be Lupin! He's just a really, really good guy, and I especially loved how he kind of took Harry under his wing in PoA. And his classes were so much fun, too!


  1. Ditto! He's such a sweet, caring and intelligent man. Plus he really gets what it takes to be a teacher. He's willing to go the extra mile and he genuinely wants his students to succeed! And you're right: I loved the way he took extra care of Harry :)

    1. I'm so glad that he had such an important role in PoA. I just wish that tragedy hadn't loomed so large in his life. :(

  2. I know he would've been one of my favorite professors! He's such a great guy and I really liked that he took to Harry as a mentor and friend as well. It was really hard to see him go since he was such a wonderful teacher.

    1. It broke my heart when he had to give up teaching at Hogwarts! The year he taught there was probably the best in DADA history, lol.


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