We are cousins (second cousins, to be precise), and we love to read. The idea to start this blog really dates back to late 2010. On one of our daily evening walks, we began discussing The Hunger Games, which we’d both recently read. From that night on, we occasionally talked about whatever we were reading at the time, even if the books were different. Those occasional talks then grew into a sort of mobile book club, with our “meetings” being held during our nightly walks. In early 2012, it finally occurred to us that it might be fun to share our love of books with other avid readers by starting a blog. So here we are. Feel free to join in on our never-ending book talk; we never get tired of it!
Email us at: rallythereaders(at)gmail(dot)com
About Lee
Hi there—I'm Lee. I’m 40 and fell in love with books at an early age. Sadly, high school and college kept me too occupied to have time for leisure reading, and I didn't rediscover my love of books until a few years ago. Since then, I've been doing my best to make up for all of that lost time, and I especially love reading YA. Some of my favorite authors include: Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, George R. R. Martin, J. K. Rowling, Maggie Stiefvater, Melina Marchetta, and Sarah J. Maas.When I'm not reading, I work on the administrative side of things in a real estate office. I enjoy knitting and messing around in Photoshop and am a lifelong fan of The Simpsons. Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs are my Kryptonite.
About Ally
Hey guys, my name is Allison but everyone just calls me Ally. I'm twenty years old, a reluctant new member of the scary adult-world, lol. My current life consists of attending college full-time, working part-time, and reading whenever I can find the time. I plan on majoring in Biochemistry and (fingers-crossed) then attending medical school. Unfortunately, I've been quite the slacker when it comes to some of my hobbies such as blogging, reading, and even practicing my flute. Lee has been quite the awesome cousin, picking up my slack on the blogging front—thanks Lee! I'm planning on fixing my laziness as I become better assimilated with post-high school life.
My absolute favorite genre is YA fantasy and my absolute favorite book is Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder. I do, however, have many more books and authors whom I adore. Besides reading, I enjoy music, writing, adventuring, and spending time with my family, friends, and adorable dog, Tyler. ❤
About Our Guest Blogger, Melissa
Greetings fellow readers! I know profiles can be rather boring to read (and write), so I will keep this one brief and hopefully somewhat not horrible. I am 21 years old and a recent graduate of the University of Central Florida, where I have painstakingly received a bachelor's degree in English Literature. Like you, I have a deep affinity for books and look forward to discussing my book-related thoughts with all of you. Happy reading!