Happy June, friends—ALREADY. I don't know about all of you, but 2018 is leaving me in the dust!
May was super busy with non-bookish stuff, which is what I feel I've said about every month for like the past 2 years, lol. I usually have 2 minutes before I need to get out of my car to walk into work, and I've been spending those 2 minutes reading. That's how desperate I am to squeeze in a page or two during the day.
At least May was a really good month for collectible popcorn tins going to the movies. I saw Avengers: Infinity War again and also saw Deadpool 2 and Solo: A Star Wars Story.
While I thought the first Deadpool film was OK, I absolutely loved the sequel! The theater we were in wasn't all that crowded, which was good because I howled with laughter throughout most of the movie.
I went into Solo kinda nervous because: it's Han Solo. Plus there were all of the headlines about the production woes, soooo . . . yeah. I didn't know what to expect from this film, but I tried to keep an open mind going in. I was a little worried when things started off slow, but I left the theater satisfied. I don't think any future Star Wars movie will ever touch the original trilogy because that's what I grew up with (and Harrison Ford will ALWAYS be my Han), but Solo was solid.
I also broke down at last in May and invested in a laptop to replace my 10-year-old desktop. I spent many hours working on this blog on that desktop, lol, but it was finally time, especially since I kept getting warning messages about Windows Vista (yes, Vista) not being supported for just about every app installed on the computer. XD
I hope everyone has a fantastic June—time to get out the summer reads!
Reviews Posted:
- Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen
- How to Marry a Werewolf by Gail Carriger
- The Smoke Thieves by Sally Green