Fandom Mashups is a feature hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. There's a different scenario each week, and you choose a "dream team" of five characters from five different fandoms whom you think are best suited for the situation.
This week's topic is:
The most badass villains of all have teamed up in a bid to takeover ALL the magical realms and our world is in danger in the process - Who are these troublesome bad guys and girls?
I tried to think specifically of villains/villainesses with ties to magic but kept coming up short after Voldemort, lol. So I ended up going with characters who don't necessarily have any kind of magic, but who I think would do anything to control this world and any other ones they could get their greedy hands on:
- Voldemort: It's scary enough to think of old Voldy taking over the wizarding world, but it's absolutely terrifying to think of him ruling any others, including the Muggle one, too!
- Apocalypse (X-Men): Most of what I know about the X-Men I learned from watching the 90's cartoon, lol, and there was a multi-episode arc featuring Apocalypse, who's also the villain of the most recent X-Men movie. In the cartoon, Apocalypse kidnapped a bunch of mutants with psychic abilities in the hopes of using their powers to control time itself so he could do whatever he wanted with the universe. So I can totally picture him trying to take over every magical realm in existence.
- Loki: This sounds exactly like his brand of diabolical plan, lol.
- The Joker: Wouldn't he just love to wreak havoc not just in our world, but in other ones as well?
- Cersei Lannister (Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire): On this past season of the TV series, Cersei showed just exactly how ruthless she can be. Why stop at ruling seven kingdoms when she could maybe add seven magical realms to her domain? XD

I count villains from sci-fi and comic books too, in fact I have a sci-fi villain in my list too! Voldemort is scary AF and imagining him taking over anywhere gives me the creeps for days! I actually just went to see X-Men: Apocalypse so I'm terrified at the thought of him taking over for real O.O It's hard for me to be scared of Loki though because he's Hiddleston and he's yummy, charming and swoony LOL! The Joker would destroy ALL the worlds just for the fun of it and he'd be laughing all the way LOL!
ReplyDeleteI'm not as scared of Loki as I am of some of these other peeps, either, lol. I just figured he'd totally want in on this kind of scheme. XD Cartoon Apocalypse actually frightened me more than the movie one, lol; the voice actor just did a great job of making him very, very evil! And Voldemort's face alone creeps me the hell out, haha!
DeleteLoki and Apocalypse- good ones! At least Loki would be fun (maybe) if he was taking over- I don't think Voldy would be very fun lol. And Cersei- might be okay (if you're a Lannister lol).
ReplyDeleteVoldy definitely wouldn't be fun to have as supreme evil overlord, lol. And Cersei *might* spare you if you're a Lannister, but I think she's finally gone off the deep end, at least on the show, so who knows! XD
DeleteTaylor Swift and her annoying ear worm songs
ReplyDeleteHahaha- right?! I'm still kind of in disbelief that this happened, lol.
DeleteWhat a great question! I definitely agree with you on the Joker front: he would love to watch our world (and any other ones) burn.....(get the reference?)
ReplyDeleteI would have to say Opal Koboi from the Artemis Fowl series, because she is pure evil, and Valentine from TMI. And Camille Belcourt. But the leader of the pack, I don't know if you know him, but Count Kalliovski from the Red Necklace series by Sally Gradner. That man....ugh. I despise him.
Valentine and Camille were both power-hungry, that's for sure! I hadn't heard of the Red Necklace series; will have to look into it! :D