Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.
This week's topic is:
Best Sirius Moment
Best Sirius moment? As in one singular moment? No! Every Sirius Black moment in the entire series is absolutely amazing! For those of you who don’t know, Sirius Orion Black is my absolute favorite character EVER. Out of all of the books I have ever read (including books outside of the HP series) I have never found a character whom I have loved more than Sirius Black. <3 I could go on and on and on about all of his wonderful moments, lol, but luckily for you guys I will not.
One of my favorite Sirius moments, although I believe it only happened in the movies, is perhaps the last moment he is in. Right before Sirius gets hit with the Avada Kedavra curse he turns around to smile at Harry and accidentally calls him “James.” That moment is so freaking sad.

I'm in agreement. He was a hero through and through
ReplyDeleteHe really was! I admire him so much for everything he did for his friends.
DeleteI felt the EXACT same way as you did Ally: EVERY.SINGLE. Sirius Black moment is THE BEST moment. I wish that he was in the series even more, I wish that the movies hadn't cut out all his scenes from GoF, I wish, I wish, I wish... I love the moment you picked because it breaks my heart every single time. Poor Sirius loses his best friends, and then can't even mourn them because he gets sent to Azkaban for killing them :*( What that must have done to his heart and soul really destroys me. It makes sense that he'd not only see James in harry, but also that he mixes them up, after all that time in hell. *wanders off sniffling*
ReplyDeleteI know, Sirius should have definitely had more screen time in the movies! Exactly, it is super depressing to realize that he didn't get to mourn them. The whole scene is just super sad :(
DeleteI love Sirius so much too!
ReplyDeleteMissie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Sirius is just so amazing! :)
DeleteWhilst he’s not my favourite character of all in HP (though he’d definitely be in the top ten and have some of my favourite moments under his name), Sirius is one of the ones I felt the strongest emotional link to. His moments with Harry were always strong and these gorgeously happy moments amidst Harry’s turmoil and the harshness that was his life. Sirius was the person who got him in a way he never remembered an adult getting him, and, their separation, when there was so much still meant to come, was so hard. That was the first time I cried in a HP book, and is one of the reasons that is my favourite book. Because it just GOT me, so hard.
It's hard not to feel an emotional attachment to Sirius, his story-line is just so sad and heart-wrenching. Sirius was the strongest connection that Harry had to his parents, and I think that meant a lot to Harry. I really love the relationship that Harry had with his godfather.