Wednesday, April 30, 2014

April 2014 Recap

April was pretty quiet on the reviewing front because if you don't read any books, you can't write any reviews. :( So I took a little break to try and recharge and come back to reading and blogging with a fresh perspective. I know that I have to make time for both because there's just never going to be enough hours in the day to get everything I want to do done. On some happier notes, we celebrated blogoversary #2, I FINALLY got some new bookshelves, and Game of Thrones is back! Speaking of making time for things, I always find that hour to watch GoT on Sunday nights. :D

Reviews Posted:

Featured Posts:

Discussing Game of Thrones Posts:

TBR Reading Challenge Progress:

  • Books Read/Reviewed: 1 (Total for Year: 4)


  1. Ahhh reading slumps. They suck but they happen to the best of us :-) Hopefully life lets you achieve a more satisfying level of balance....something along the times of working 2 days a week and reading 7 hehe ;-) Here's to new bookshelves and awesome television shows - speaking of which: I still *need* to read A Song of Fire and Ice. In fact, the need is growing since two co-workers are OBSESSED and talk about it non-stop LOL You still had a great looking April, all things considered, but here's to an even better May! xx

    1. YES! I vote for a 2 day work week! :D Being able to join in on the GoT discussions at work is the perfect motivation to read the books! I also have two co-workers who are fans, and we're constantly making GoT references, lol.


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