Saturday, January 26, 2013

Stacking the Shelves (25)

Stacking the Shelves is a weekly meme hosted by Tynga's Reviews. It's an opportunity for everyone to share the new books that we've acquired.

I LOVE Cynthia Hand's Unearthly series and had to own a copy of the final book, Boundless, which was released this week. I had borrowed the first two books from the library, so it only made sense to buy those as well to have the complete series. I also borrowed one book from the library this week—so far, I've been keeping my New Year's resolution to only borrow what I have time to read.


The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda


Unearthly by Cynthia Hand
Hallowed by Cynthia Hand
Boundless by Cynthia Hand

What did you add to your shelves this week? Please link me up!


  1. Enjoyed Unearthly immensely. Yet another series I need to catch up with... womp womp :(

    1. I'm obsessed with this series; I finally found angel books that I love!

  2. I've been contemplating getting the audio book of the Hunt from the library :) And I loved Unearthly and have had Hallowed since it released, but STILL haven't read it! Awesome haul :D

    My Haul!

  3. The Unearthly Series looks so pretty all together like that! :) Kind of tempted to run and get the rest of the series...but I think I'd better start by reading my copy of Unearthly first haha I hope you'll enjoy The Hunt too! And congrats for doing so well with only borrowing what you can read :D Awesome haul!!

    1. This is probably the first time I've kept a New Year's resolution, lol. I went to the library today to drop off some books for donation and didn't borrow anything. Yay!

  4. I've heard lots of great things about the books by Cynthia Hand, so I hope you enjoy. I love how they all look together stacked up, they look very pretty.

    Hope you enjoy your books! :)

    1. They are very pretty covers. I love how coordinated the color scheme is.

  5. I enjoyed Unearthly and hope you do too.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

    1. This is one of my favorite series; I'm quite sad that it's at an end.

  6. I hope you enjoy them. I've only read Unearthly. I so need to read the rest of the series. Great haul of books. Come visit me too.


    1. I loved Hallowed, though it broke my heart. I'm dying to start Boundless, but I'm a little nervous about it, too. I hope you get to read the rest of the books!

  7. I have Unearthly but haven't read it. It's a paperback, though, so assuming I love it like everyone else, I'll have to have the rest of them in pb as well. I'm anal and want my shelves to match!

    I'll look forward to your thoughts on The Hunt, as that's one I've heard mixed things about.

    Happy reading, Lee!

    My StS post :)

    1. I really wanted to own all of the Unearthly books in hardcover, but it was just too expensive. I do like having all of the books in a series in the same format when I can manage it, though.

  8. Oh, I love how you presented the books :) Look so pretty. Happy reading!

    1. The Unearthly cover kept flipping open, so I had to be really quick about taking the picture after pressing it down, lol.

  9. Hi! I am so curious about the Unearthly trilogy! I hope you enjoy them - and the view of their beautiful spines and covers on the shelf :D

    1. I haven't had the greatest luck with angel books, but these are fantastic.

  10. Now that the second book in the Unearthly series is out in paperback, I think I will finally start reading that series. I feel like I am the only person who has yet to read that series,
    Old follower
    my StS

    1. I definitely recommend this series. I hope you give it a try!

  11. Nice haul girlies! Those Cynthia hand books are so pretty! I've been wanting to read the hunt for a long time too, so I can't wait for your review on that!
    Thanks so much for stopping by
    My STS!
    Happy Reading gorgeous girls! =D

    1. I'm trying to squeeze in one more vampire book this month for the Paranormal Reading Challenge and figured I'd give this one a go.

  12. I don't exactly like The Hunt, guess it just wasn't for me but the Unearthly series is great. :D Enjoy!

    In Our Mailbox #2 + Stacking the Shelves #14

    1. I've seen some mixed reviews of The Hunt, so I guess I'll find out for myself soon. Boundless has really been tempting me to read it, but I'll probably get to it after The Hunt.

  13. I still haven't read the Unearthly series. That is just sad. Thanks for the reminder to read it. I hope you enjoy them.

    Here's mine

    ~Danica Page@Taking it One Page at a Time

    1. Whoops! I meant to say I'm glad you enjoyed them. :) I'll definitely have to give them a try.

  14. Great haul! I want to own all of those books! Hope you enjoy all of them. Happy reading.

    Hope you'll drop by and check out my STS post for this week :)

    1. I was so happy to get the whole Unearthly series; I confess to admiring how pretty they look on my bookshelf.

  15. I really need to read the Unearthly series it sounds so good! Happy Reading!

    Check Out My Haul! Letterbox Love!

  16. The hunt sounds good and I can't wait to read Unearthly soon! Happy reading :D

    Mel@thedailyprophecy haul.

    1. I hope you enjoy Unearthly! It's the best angel book that I've read so far.


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