Saturday, January 19, 2013

Know Me Better (2)

Know Me Better is a weekly meme hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer.

10 words that describe yourself?
We thought it would be fun to choose the 10 words for each other.
Ally (as described by Lee): Smart, ambitious, funny, understanding, energetic, creative, multitasking, organized, determined, perfectionist.
Lee (as described by Ally): Witty, dedicated, intelligent, honest, imaginative, tech savvy, serious, honorable, reliable.

Favorite TV shows?
Ally: Supernatural, Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, The Vampire Diaries.
Lee: The Simpsons, Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey, Modern Family.

If you could take over the world, would you?
Ally: Of course. I feel as if I could accomplish a lot.
Lee: No. I’m really not leader material.

Who was the first boy you kissed?
We're both not the kiss-and-tell type.

How do you unwind?
Ally: I usually lie down, close my eyes, and turn on my iPod.
Lee: I'll read a book while the TV or music plays in the background.


  1. Ah, Lee, you have great taste in TV! Downton and Modern Fam are on my must-watch list each week!

    Ally, I'd take over the world, too!

    1. I was very angry to discover last night that the DVR failed to record this week's Modern Family. That show is laugh-out-loud funny!

  2. I read with the TV going in the background too. I think my husband finds it odd but it works well for me. :)

    1. I rarely read in complete quiet; I like having background noise, and for me it's usually the TV.

  3. I totally forgot the Walking Dead! I'll go change it...

    Having someone describe me in 10 words would have been easier.

    Rivie @ Bookshelf

    1. I'm really glad that Ally decided to join in this week or I would have been stuck describing myself, which I find really hard to do.

  4. I think it's hard to describe yourself so I like that you picked words for each other. I am a Oncer! Love that show. Vampire Diaries, Game of Thrones, and Supernaturel...I guess my TV tastes run more in line with Ally. Old follower :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

    1. We joke around with each other a lot, so it was actually kind of hard to think of all complimentary words, lol.

  5. I only saw half of the Game of Thrones series. I want to finish it but I decided that I'll read the book first.

    My KMB

    1. The books are incredible; I hope you enjoy reading them!

  6. Ally we like a lot of the same shows!The Walking Dead, Once Upon, The Vampire Diaries are all AWESOME!

    Lee I LOVE Downtown Abbey as well! :) I feel sorry for poor Edith!

    1. Last week's episode was heartbreaking! I felt so sorry for Edith, too!

    2. I feel like Edith needs to have something happy for once on the show..I am hoping she will find love by the end of the season!

    3. Me too! She really needs some happiness in her life. I'm finding this season kind of slow so far. The premiere was great, but the show seems to have it a lull with the last two episodes.

  7. I like that you gals provided the 10 words for the other ..I had a bit of a time with self reflection. :) --I got to check out Once Upon a Time ..been hearing that.

    Nice gettin' to know you.

    1. We both figured that we would have been there for hours trying to describe ourselves; it was much easier to swap, lol.

  8. The Simpsons!! YES. Loving Ally's world domination reply - I think I would too! Oh and I really like how you swapped for the 10 words :) Great answers all around guys!

    1. I've been watching The Simpsons since it first premiered over 20 years ago. I can't believe it's been that long!


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