Welcome to our stop on The Violet Fox blog tour! Besides our reviews, we also have an interview with one of the most intriguing characters in this action-packed fantasy novel, Advisor Ivor Ferguson, as well as a very cool giveaway!
The Violet Fox (The Violet Fox #1)By Clare C. Marshall
Publisher: Faery Ink Press
Amazon | Goodreads
* A copy was provided by the author for review.
Synopsis: There are two kinds of people in the land of Marlenia.
The Marlenians, who live on the surface,
and the Freetors, who are forced to live underground.
The war between them ended two hundred years ago, but the Freetors still fight for the right to live under the sun. Fifteen-year-old Kiera Driscoll embodies the Freetors’ hopes as the Violet Fox. In a violet cape and mask, she sneaks around Marlenia City stealing food and freeing her people from slavery.
Then the Elders task her with a secret mission: retrieve a stolen tome that contains the secrets of Freetor magic, something the Marlenians both fear and covet. Kiera must disguise herself as a noblewoman and infiltrate the Marlenian castle before the Freetor-hating Advisor finds out her real identity, before her brother is imprisioned because of the secrets he hides, and before she falls any more in love with the prince she’s supposed to hate.
More is happening in the castle than she realizes, and Kiera is faced with a difficult choice. Will she be loyal to her people and their fight for freedom, or will she be loyal to her heart?
Ally's Review: I was kind of torn while reading The Violet Fox. There were times when I was wholeheartedly captivated. At other times, I felt as if I were forcing myself to read the book. But the good outweighed the couple of things that I wasn’t so enthusiastic about, and I ended up really enjoying the book.
I guess I'll start with what I wasn’t crazy about. The main issue I had with the book was Kiera. Well, it wasn't really Kiera herself, but her attitude. At times, I felt that Kiera was unbearably arrogant. She referred to herself as the invincible Violet Fox who would never, in any situation, be caught. Kiera expected the best for herself and her people and whined when it wasn't. I did, however, value Kiera's wit and unyielding dedication to her cause. I also didn't like the relationship between Kiera and Keegan. I felt that it was unconvincing. The relationship didn't work for me, and I was looking for any other guy to replace Keegan as the love interest.
Now to end on a good note. The world-building in this book is amazing. The information and history are given to you in small bits, never choking you or causing confusion. The pacing was ideal. I expected it to slow down while Kiera was undercover so I was okay with that. I loved, loved the whole Robin Hood feel to the story. I was rooting for the Freetors all the way! My favorite part of the book, though, was the relationship between Kiera and her brother. They were so close, and Rordan was just the perfect brother! I was kind of reminded of my own brother, and I'd like to think that in that situation, Denis and I would be like that.
The Violet Fox ended up being an entertaining read. I feel that right now any bit of time I put into reading a book is valuable, seeing as I don't have much free time at all. My time was definitely well spent reading The Violet Fox.
All in All: The Violet Fox took me a little while to get into but it ended up being an enjoyable, action-packed book. I'm glad I read it, and I eagerly await the sequel.

Lee's Review: When I first read the synopsis for The Violet Fox, I immediately thought of Robin Hood. I absolutely love Robin Hood, so I was beyond excited to read this. I was not disappointed! The Violet Fox is a thrilling fantasy packed with adventure, magic, social injustice, and political intrigue, all set against a richly detailed world. In short, it’s exactly my type of fantasy novel.
Hands down, my favorite part of the book was the world-building. It’s a critical element in any genre, but I think particularly so for fantasy, where you have to be able to believe that things like magic and mythical creatures are real. Marshall does an outstanding job of putting the reader right in the middle of both the opulence of the Marlenian court and the bleakness of the underground Freetor caverns. I also loved how thorough the lore of this world was and how well it was explained. The history between the Marlenians and the Freetors is a key part of the novel, and it’s never overwhelming to absorb.
Although I admired Kiera, whose alter ego is the title character, for her courage and fierce dedication to helping her people, at times I also found her a little too sure of herself. Occasionally her sense of invincibility as the Violet Fox sends her charging headfirst into situations. Kiera does, however, mature a lot over the course of the novel and tempers her swagger. Another character who really grew on me as the book went on was Prince Keegan. At first I wrote him off as a haughty, privileged rich guy with nothing but disdain for those beneath him. Like Kiera though, Keegan learns to see things from the opposing point-of-view, and he proves to be an honorable fellow. Finally, I have to mention Advisor Ivor Ferguson, the right-hand man to Marlenia’s ruler, the Holy One. The Advisor is quite an enigmatic character; I had a lot of fun trying to guess what he was up to.
With its vividly descriptive world, fully drawn characters, and engrossing story, The Violet Fox is a prime example of YA fantasy. I’m eager to see what adventures await Kiera (and the Violet Fox) in the next book, The Silver Spear.
All in All: For anyone who’s been hesitant to try the fantasy genre, I think that The Violet Fox is the perfect place to start. If you’re already a fan of the genre, then by all means read this, especially if you love Robin Hood like I do!

About Clare C. Marshall
Clare Marshall grew up in rural Nova Scotia with very little television and dial up internet, and yet, she turned out okay. She has a combined honours degree in journalism and psychology from the University of King’s College, and is a graduate from Humber College’s Creative Book Publishing Program. She founded Woulds & Shoulds Editing and Design in 2010 for self-published authors and businesses looking for quality editing and design services. She enjoys publishing books through her publishing imprint, Faery Ink Press, and released her first novella, Within in 2011. When she’s not writing, she enjoys playing the fiddle and making silly noises at cats.You can find Clare on Facebook, Twitter, her website, and Goodreads.
** Our Interview with Advisor Ivor Ferguson **
Welcome to Rally the Readers, Advisor Ferguson! We know that you’re an extremely busy man, so we really appreciate your time today.
I will always make time for good ladies and lords who devote their time to spreading the word about worthy books.
We’ve heard some rumors that you covet the Holy One’s position. Is this true? If you were in charge, what would you do differently?
Ah yes, many tongues wag about things they know nothing of. It is best that ladies such as yourselves pay no mind to such nonsense. The rumours were no doubt started by Freetor-loving, jealous merchants. I was once a successful merchant, you know. Many of the shops I’ve invested in carry on today.
However, if the ladies must know, if I were in charge I would enforce stricter laws and penalties against Freetors, and allow merchants to carry more weapons to defend themselves in case of a Freetor attack.
What is your opinion of the Freetors? What, in your opinion, is the best way to deal with them?
Freetors are sub-human creatures that must be exterminated like a disease if we are ever to achieve economic prosperity.
What do you think of Freetor magic? Who do you think should control it: the Marlenians, the Freetors, no one, or everyone?
Magic is still a misunderstood field to all Marlenians who try to study it. Because of its mysteries, very few should control it (if it indeed can be controlled). If it were my decision, I would propose that the most learned scholars--such as myself--have an opportunity to wield its majesty, assuming that it does no harm to me physically.
The Violet Fox is a bit of a thorn in the Marlenians’ side, to say the least. What do you think of her?
A filthy creature, playing dress-up, believing that she is above the law. She whispers in the ears of the susceptible Freetors, rallying them to her cause, ruining the lives of the good Marlenian people everywhere. I hope that you ladies steer clear of her, lest she relieve you of your valuables.
What is the toughest part of your job?
I admit, dealing with the everyday troubles of the Marlenian folk can be tiresome. I know it tires the Holy One, and I hope that I can someday relieve him of this duty before young Prince Keegan takes over.
If you are wondering if the Freetors give me trouble, I assure you, good ladies, that dealing with the Freetors is one of my easier tasks. In most cases, a Freetor is unable to comprehend the difference between right and wrong, and therefore must be removed from society.
And now for a few random questions:
Favorite color?
While I have great respect for the Tramore colours, the Violet Fox has tainted the colour violet and purple for me. Therefore, I would have to say that I prefer greens, browns, blacks, and sometimes red, when I am feeling fashionable.
Ideal job?
While my position as Advisor to the Holy One has its stresses, I do enjoy the freedom to roam the castle and travel the realm, especially when it nets me a good book. I would not trade it for anything. Well . . . almost anything.
I suppose it would be nice to retire at some point, when my work is complete. A simple shop would keep my mind stimulated until Dashiell decides it’s time for my eternal rest.
Person you most dread having to deal with?
Ha! Ladies, you grow bold with your questions, but how can I resist a curious mind? The day we catch the Violet Fox, I dread dealing with her as one dreads dealing with a rabid Northern tiger stuck in a cage too small for its size.
Thank you again for stopping by today, Advisor!
My pleasure, ladies. Though I must advise you. Your organization, “Rally the Readers.” Such words like “rally” may attract the attention of the Freetors. They may think it’s an organization sympathetic to their cause. I trust it is not. Such learned, proper ladies have no business dallying with cutthroats and thieves.
** Giveaway **
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for participating in the blog tour! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for having us!
Deletewonderful interveiw and the book looks good
ReplyDeleteIt is- hope you enjoy reading it, too!
DeleteOh awesome!
ReplyDeleteI love that you BOTH reviewed it!!
World buidling is a must, so Im adding the book to my TBR list! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier :)
I completely agree with you on the importance of world-building; it's extremely well-done in this book.
DeleteOhh this one sounds good! The summary sounds intriguing.
ReplyDeleteAhaha that interview was awesome!
As much as we appreciate the Advisor looking out for us, we're rather attached to our name, especially since it took so long to come up with it, so we're sticking with it, lol.
DeleteGlad you loved this, too! Clare's world building is so spot on and I liked the Robin Hood-theme, too!
ReplyDeleteYes! I loved how alive this world was- completely engrossing.