Sunday, April 30, 2017

Fandom Mashups (87)

Fandom Mashups is a feature hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. There's a different scenario each week, and you choose a "dream team" of five characters from five different fandoms whom you think are best suited for the situation.

This week's topic is:
You've gained the means to acquire any magical items you desire! YES! Pick 5 magical items from 5 different magical worlds as your top picks.

YES indeed! I wish that I could pick 5 items just from the world of Harry Potter, LOL! I'm also stretching the definition of "magical" a bit here, too, hehehe.

  1. Time-Turner (Harry Potter): For the love of Merlin's Beard, how I NEED this in my life! I'd get so much more adulting crap done so I'd have more time to read!
  2. The TARDIS (Doctor Who): I don't know if this qualifies as a magical item, but I still want one, LOL! Combine a Time-Turner with the TARDIS, and I'd never have to worry about running out of time again!
  3. Lightsaber (Star Wars): I've wanted one of these since I saw the first Star Wars movie when I was about 5. Time to make my childhood dream come true!
  4. Replicator (Star Trek): My mom was a huge Star Trek fan, and she always used to joke that having a replicator would mean she could retire from cooking, lol. I'm no whiz in the kitchen, that's for sure, and a replicator would save me a lot of inedible meals. XD
  5. Kell's Coat (Shades of Magic): Kell's coat has multiple sides, which means plenty of pockets to store stuff in!


  1. Ha! Yeah the TARDIS has to count because I put it on my list too XD It travels in time and space AND it's bigger on the inside: that's magic to me LOL! Now I want to go back and add a Light Saber (HELLO! - HOW could I forget THAT?!) and a Replicator! And Kell's coat too! LOVE the items you picked Lee ♥♥♥♥♥

    1. I'm glad you picked the TARDIS, too, because I was having trouble coming up with magical items besides anything from HP! XD

  2. TARDIS! Yes and oh my gosh a lightsaber!! Gimme. Blue or green please lol. A replicator would be awesome, and how about a tricorder? Yeah they just flash that around and knwo what's wrong, then they give you some shot (without needles!) and you're all better. Beam me up Scotty!!!

    1. A tricorder would be super handy, and yay- no more needles! Star Trek had some awesome tech and I could really, really use a replicator, lol, but I'd trade it all for a lightsaber. XD

  3. The Time Turner...YES! I definitely could use one as well. There's never enough time to get the things that have to be done along with the things that I want to do. I would love having this in my life.

    1. That's EXACTLY how I feel! I'd need to rewind my day a couple of times to get everything done, LOL.


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