Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Five Years of Blogging!

Five years ago today, this blog began with a five sentence post that didn't even have a graphic, lololol. I remember how sad and empty the Review Archive page looked because, well, it had no reviews. There are now over 300, which makes me think, wow, there was actually a time when Ally, Melissa, and I all had time to read? XD

As happy as I am to notch another year of blogging, I've always felt that there's something a little extra special about reaching an anniversary that's a multiple of 5. Because I'm weird like that. In all seriousness, though, I can't think of any other endeavor I've undertaken in the past five years that I've managed to stick with like I have with blogging. It's been challenging to keep at it, especially with adulting taking up more and more of my time, but there's no other place where I can gush about all things bookish and connect with equally avid readers.

You guys really are the best. I can't tell you how much your comments brighten my day and how much I LOVE chatting with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such wonderful bloggy friends! ♥


  1. Oh wow congratulations my friend!! Many happy returns to Rally the Readers! I don't remember exactly when I found your blog but I know it feels like you were always there since I started blogging. I know you were one of my first blogger friends and I'm so happy to say that you're a blogger bestie now ♥ Much love to you! XOXOX

    1. Love you, too! xoxo I want to say we met through Stacking the Shelves? However it happened, I'm so happy our paths crossed; it was totally meant to be! ♥

  2. Congrats Lee!! Multiples of five does seem more special for anniversaries. :) I'm so happy that you've keep up with the blogging and have such a massive review archive now. :) Here's to many more years!

    1. Thanks, Charlene! :D And congrats again on your recent 5 year blogoversary! I hope that we'll both be celebrating 10 years of blogging!

  3. Congrats and I'm so privileged to have met you in person!!!

    1. Thanks, sis, and same here! I hope we can make it happen again soon! ♥

  4. Wow 5 years!!! Congrats *throws confetti* I'm so glad I discovered your blog and can't wait to talk Game of Thrones again ina few short months. :)

    1. Thanks, Greg, and likewise- I'm so glad I found your blog, too! :D And YES- can't wait to chat GoT again! July can't get here fast enough, LOL!

  5. Five years! That’s awesome! And you’re right, anniversaries in 5s are always extra special ^^ I wish you many more years of blogging. Hugs ❤

    My latest post: Giveaway: An ACOTAR Candle (International)

  6. Awesome!! I remember that we started around the same time. I'm so happy you're still blogging!! I know we all get carried away sometimes and aren't able to blog as much as we used to, but I still enjoy it so much and can't see stepping away anytime soon.

    1. I'm so happy you're still blogging, too! ♥ Sometimes I do get frustrated over not being able to read or blog as much as I used to, but at least I'm still doing both!

  7. Congratulations Lee!! This is so exciting! 5 years is definitely a milestone. I think it's such a cool achievement to have been sticking to this for so long. I can only imagine how things have changed from then to now.

    Good luck for your next 5 years on Rally the Readers :D

    Jordon @ Simply Adrift

    1. Thanks, Jordon! ♥ I can't believe it's been 5 years already, and we're both still blogging, which is awesome!


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