Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme created by Uncorked Thoughts and hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.
This week's topic is:
Favorite Fred & George Moment
All of them, pretty much! XD Seriously, who else would find the humor in getting one's ear cursed off?! My absolute, complete, total favorite Fred and George moment, though, is hands down the Portable Swamp they used to buy Harry a distraction so that he could break into Umbridge's office to contact Sirius. Not only did it wreak its intended havoc, but it continued to do so even after the twins' unforgettable departure from Hogwarts.

Yes! I agree so much and mentioned the swamp myself. I loved that the teachers acted like they needed Umbridge's help every time a Weasley product came soaring into the classrooms. Epic.
ReplyDeleteThey really did leave a legacy behind at Hogwarts, LOL! Watching Umbridge and Filch struggle with the cleanup while the teachers sat back brought me great joy. XD
DeleteThere are so many awesome Weasley twins moments to choose from ^^ I love their exit from Hogwarts. That one is a classic haha.
ReplyDeleteMy latest post: The Beauty and the Beast Book Tag (Original)
I reread that part of OotP so many times, LOL. It's still as fantastic to me as it was the first time I read it!
DeleteI agree: ALL the Weasley moments are gold but that swamp was a piece of work!! They helped Harry and stuck it to Umbridge good all at once! And honestly it was quite the impressive bit of magic too - it proved Umbridge was a crappy witch cause she couldn't get rid of it XD
ReplyDeleteThe lingering swamp did make her look even more incompetent, didn't it?! XD I loved all of the mayhem that followed after the swamp and how Peeves took the twins' order to give Umbridge hell so seriously, hahahaha!