Thursday, December 24, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (111)

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows Reviews. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
What Long Lost Magical Item Do You Find in The Room of Requirement?

Oooh—I'd totally hope to find another invisibility cloak! I solemnly swear that I would only use it for good and not wreak havoc with it. OK, and I might use it for the occasional late night trip to a library. XD


  1. Oh Man, I would be high-tailing it to the library under that Cloak on Christmas Night just like Harry did!! Secret trips to a magical library is like a dream come true for people like us LOL! Fantastic pick Lee and a very, Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the ladies at Rally the Readers ♥♥♥

  2. Oh think of all the places in the castle you could explore if you had an invisibility cloak! Yup, the library would be the first place I would head to. Nice one ^^

    1. I'd want to check out every single room and corridor in Hogwarts! But first someone might need to pry me out of the library, because I could easily spend the rest of my life in there, lol.

  3. I think having the invisibility cloak would be so much fun! Sometimes I get in the mood to observe others but not have to join in the conversation so that would be perfect for getting out of small talk if you weren't feeling it. Plus, like you said - late night trips to the library!

    1. I've always been much more of a listener than a talker, and I would totally use the cloak to get out of having to talk, lol. Brilliant!


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