Tuesday, June 30, 2015

June 2015 Recap

And so the first half of 2015 is officially on the books. I hope everyone's been having an awesome reading year so far! I didn't get a whole lot of reading done in June, but I really enjoyed the two books that I did read. The Melissa also returned to us in June and is currently obsessing over Rick Yancey's Monstrumologist series, which she hopes to have reviewed soon. :) And GoT wrapped up its fifth season, the finale of which still stabs at my heart like Valyrian steel whenever I think about it. :(

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  1. Even though I haven't gotten into GoT yet, it was hard to miss the chaos that ensued after the finale. Yikes! I hope that your poor heart heals soon, at least by September so it's ready to suffer with QoS! I've heard fantastic things about the Monstrumologist Series so I can't wait to read Melissa's thoughts on it :)

    1. Even though I knew how the season would end, I still couldn't handle it. :/ And now I'm out of books to read for the foreseeable future, so the suspense is even worse! If QoS hits me as hard as I think it will, at least I'll be distracted from my GoT misery for a while. XD


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