Thursday, September 12, 2013

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (11): Favorite Character

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
Favorite Character

My favorite character from the Harry Potter series is easily, hands down, Sirius Black. I love him! I love everything about his character. Good looks and charm aside, Sirius is a genuinely good person. His whole life has been a battle against right and wrong. Being raised in a pureblood household seriously took its toll on him. His parents were monsters and they made it their life goal to make their children little monsters as well. Sirius beat the odds and went against his family—his whole upbringing. That’s very admirable in my eyes. The absolute best thing about Sirius Black though has to be his relationship with the Marauders. The Four Marauders are the best part of the whole entire series to me. Words can’t describe how much I love them and how much I wish I could be one of them. I honestly can go on for ages about Padfoot and the gang, however, this post is only supposed to be a paragraph or so. I think I should stop now before this turns into an essay.


  1. Sirius is awesome! I loved it when he came into Harry's life and I wish he stayed longer. I loved him sarcasm, he was such fun! :)


    1. I agree, one of the best things about Sirius is his sarcasm. I wish there was more Sirius in the series too; if only he had a whole book dedicated to him!

  2. In retrospect I like the anti-hero and villains now that I think about it. Snape and Voldemort's crew really made the story so interesting and very exciting. They're so devious they forced the entire magical world to rise up against them. Formidable peeps.

    As for Sirius Black, I was so sad when he died. I loved how Rowling did it though, his death was like a wake-up call to a lot of them.


    1. Yeah, the magical world wouldn't have been the same without Voldemort and the other bad guys. Part of me refuses to acknowledge the fact that Sirius is gone. It's just too sad!

  3. Awwww Sirius <3. I adore him as well. One of the saddest deaths in the novel. It was so horrendous that Harry lost yet another father figure. Something which happens far too often in the books :(.

    1. I felt so bad for Harry! Out of all the characters who have died throughout the series, I think Sirius dying stung the most for me.

  4. SIRIUS ♥ Other that Harry, he would be my favorite too! I adored him in both the books and movies. I was so happy and light-hearted for Harry to have found him, they had such a beautiful relationship :*) You're right, he had a rough start and he fought back early on. It made him all the more brave and strong, but then to have suffered as he did in Azkaban :( Ugh, his death was the worst. I SO wanted Harry to be able to go off and live with him. Brilliant pick Ally ^^

    1. It would have been amazing if Harry and Sirius could have survived together! Thinking about his death makes me so sad.

  5. I love Sirius too. I always thought he would come back in the series. Honestly I was surprised when he didn't.

  6. Yes! I am a huge Sirius fan. The Mauraders are so much fun and are really a cute side plot in the stories. Not to mention just how neat the map is. I also think it was so neat how we were introduced to Sirius without knowing it at first. Great choice! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. Right! I love The Marauders! It made me view Sirius in a completely different light after recognizing his relationship with his friends.


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