Thursday, July 4, 2013

Summer Lovin' Read-a-thon: Book Spine Poetry

The Summer Lovin’ Readathon is a week-long readathon event hosted by seven independent bloggers! (Oh, Chrys!, Tumbling Books, Effortlessly Reading, Love Life Read, Shelf Addiction, Read Sleep Repeat, and Reviewing Wonderland)

Originally I wasn't planning to participate in this challenge because I'm not very creative with book spine poetry, but I got inspired by the book I was currently reading the other day, Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass. George R. R. Martin's A Game of Thrones then popped into my head, and from there, a few other royal-themed book titles came to mind. I ended up having a lot of fun with this, and here's the final result:

Game of thrones, throne of glass
Queen by right, the kingmaker's daughter.
Daughter of smoke and bone, runaway.
Where she went?
Jellicoe Road.


  1. Right royal that verse. Lovely book spine poetry, Lee :)

    1. Thanks, Katja! The royal theme just happened- I'm usually very bad at these book spine poems, lol.

  2. I freaking love this! The theme of hegemony and royalty is outstanding, especially since I love Game of Thrones, and had no idea how to incorporate in a book spine poem.

    1. It's all thanks to Throne of Glass! If I hadn't been reading it earlier this week, I never would have thought of using Game of Thrones in the poem.

  3. The Hello Kittys insisted on being in the photo, lol. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Lovely book spine poem ♥ both regal and mysterious :) Nicely done!

  5. Lee great poem, love the books used :D

    My Book Spine Poem.

  6. I love the royalty of your poem. ;D<3
    Yours is so far the best one I've seen!

    Kelly @ Effortlessly Reading

    1. Thank you! I didn't realize I had several royal-themed titles until I started grabbing them off the shelves, lol.

  7. Oh I really like it! I'm glad that you decided to join in, I think you did a fantastic job :D Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.

    1. Thanks! It was one of my better attempts at book spine poetry. :D

  8. LIKE it! :D I love how it sounds like a ballad from the Middle Ages or something...and it makes sense, too :)

    1. That's the biggest book spine poetry challenge for me- finding titles that somewhat make sense together!

  9. great book spine poem. :D


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