Monday, April 11, 2016

Four Years of Blogging!

As much as I'm a planner addict, I'm not the greatest at thinking about the future and scary things like long-term goals. Oh, the irony! So four years ago, I totally didn't foresee myself still at this blogging thing. At the time the blog began, I didn't have a specific plan in mind, like, "I'm going to try this for three months and if it doesn't work out, I'll pick up another hobby." Blogging has always been a day-to-day, week-to-week sort of thing for me that has since grown into a year-to-year thing, apparently, LOL.

I've heard other bloggers who've also been doing this for a while say that as the years go by, coming up with fresh ideas can become a challenge. I do feel that way sometimes, like— I got nothing! Plus I'm really bad at adapting to change. Status quo represents safety to me, but I also realize that it can lead to stagnation. Finding a balance between the two is tough, especially when trying new things terrifies you just a tad. But I'm working on finding that balance: continuing with what's familiar while also occasionally venturing outside of my comfort zone bubble.

And now to my favorite part of writing the annual blogoversary post: thanking each and every one of you for the time you take to stop by and comment or chat on Twitter or give me post-book hangover therapy on Twitter. Getting to know you over the past four years has been the greatest reward blogging has given me. I don't have many bookish friends outside of blogging, and being able to have this space to geek out over books with other readers who experience the same joy from books and reading makes me feel incredibly lucky to be a part of this community. ♥ ♥ ♥


  1. Congrats on 4-years my friend! I'm so happy that you started blogging roughly 6 months before I did so that we were able to 'meet' and become friends that way ♥ I honestly didn't know if I'd be able to stick to blogging either we are! I know what you mean too about feeling less than fresh with regards to new ideas and content but personally speaking: I'm not even close to bored with coming over and chatting with you :D Here's to many more! xxxx

    1. We were totally meant to meet! ♥ I can't imagine what life would be like without our post-ToG therapy, post-Wolves of Mercy Falls therapy, and soon-to-be post-Raven Cycle therapy! XD

  2. I just discovered you blog today and I am so glad that you stuck at it! As for finding it hard to come up with ideas...preach. It can be so difficult. Recently I took a quick break just to try and recharge my batteries, and it actually really helped. I've come back refreshed and keen to get back to blogging. And how do I celebrate? With a new blog to wipe the Internet slate clean!
    Congratulations on your 4 Year Anniversary! Please, keep blogging for many years to come! :)

    1. Thanks so much! And good luck to you with your new blog! :D

  3. Happy blogiversary, Lee, Melissa, and Ally!

    you're fine, you don't really have to innovate as you struggle with time management sometimes. That will strip some of the enjoyment. I do love your NY post, I hope there's a new one coming soon!

    I myself am slowly pulling back, it's a process because blogging has become such an ingrained habit and I am that type of creature.

    1. I 100% understand that feeling; I'm a creature of habit, too!

      So happy you enjoyed the NYC post! ♥ I don't have any reads on the radar in the immediate future, but I've been toying with the idea of talking about some books set in NYC that I've previously read.

  4. Congrats on the 4 years! So funny that we started around the same time! I know what you mean about running out of things to talk about. Sometimes I think I need to go out and do something so I can have it to write about on the blog lol. But I'm sure it just keeps blogging interesting to constantly find the balance between new ideas and enjoying what you are already doing. Here's to many more years of blogging!

    1. Same to you, Charlene- hope we're both still doing this another 4 years from now! :D

  5. YAY!! Congrats on 4 years :D That's fantastic!! We started around the same time and I'm like you...mostly it's a day to day, month to month think that has now become year to year. Some months I read and review a ton and some it feels like none at all but that's when life is calling for attention. I'm so glad you started blogging though and that we are able to chat! I hope you stick around a long time!!

    1. I'm so happy that we connected, too, Jaclyn! :D It's been hard accepting that I don't have the time to devote to reading and blogging like I did when the blog first started, but at least I'm still able to blog. We just all need to get some Time-Turners, lol.

  6. Happy Blogaversary Lee! It really is quite an accomplishment to still be blogging 4 years later. So congratulations to you and I hope you stick around quite a long time! I need someone to discuss Game of Thrones with! I hope you're ready!

    1. Thank you, and yes, I am more than ready for the new season of GoT! At least, I think so, lol. Can't wait to chat about it with you! :D

  7. Happy blogoversary!! Four years is a huge accomplishment. It's nice to reflect on how you've changed (and not changed!) as a blogger sometimes.

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Thank you! :D I find myself getting more sentimental each year I write a blogoversary post, lol. It is really nice to look back and compare then and now, and where I might like the blog to be in the future.

  8. Yayy congratulations!! You have definitely been around the book blogosphere for a while. I've gone and come back three times, and each time the blogs I had been previously following had decided to stop. I'm glad you're still going! It's nice to have a familiar face when you start anew...
    Happy Birthday Rally the Readers!

    1. Thank you, and I'm so happy that you're back to blogging! :D


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