Thursday, August 20, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (96)

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts and Lunar Rainbows. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
If You Could Change One Thing in the First Film, What Would It Be?

This is a little bit of a tough one. I saw the first movie before ever reading any of the books, and it was the film that finally motivated me to read HP. For that reason, the Sorcerer's Stone movie has a special little place in my heart, and I feel kind of guilty nitpicking it now, lol. But, after I read the first book, I did miss Peeves not making it into the film, and by the time I read Order of the Phoenix, I really wished he'd been in the movies because I would have loved to have seen him make trouble for Umbridge!


  1. Peeves! Oh that's a good one! Yeah, he was quite a character from the word go, but it's in OotP that he REALLY shines :) I wouldn't have wanted to have him pick on me at school but I would have GLADLY suffered through it if it meant that Umbridge would get hers too XD

    1. I wouldn't have wanted to be the subject of one his pranks, either, lol, but I love how seriously he took his promise to Fred and George in OotP to give Umbridge hell! :D

  2. I also wrote mine on Peeves! He was an amazing character in the books, I'm very heartbroken over the fact that he never made the cut for the films. I'm glad he still lives on in our hearts, haha :D

    Here's my HPMOTW!

    Lillie @LittleLillieReads

    1. He certainly does! 'm glad that we at least get to read about his shenanigans in the books. :D

  3. I absolutely would've LOVED Peeves in the films! I even love the weird little scene where Fleur is saying that if a poltergeist was in their school, they'd be expelled like zat! He added a lot of humor, and the part where he gave Umbridge hell from the twins was fantastic :D

    1. That was one of my favorite scenes in the entire series, and I was a little bummed that it didn't make it into the OotP film. A whole montage of Peeves driving Umbridge and Filch crazy would've been fantastic! :D


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