Monday, August 31, 2015

August 2015 Recap

August was a slightly better reading month for me; I read 3 books compared to *1* in all of July. On the upside, all three of those reads were 5 stars (as if I'd give anything less to the two Avatar: The Last Airbender graphic novels that I read, lol). And, is tomorrow really September?! Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas releases tomorrow, and seriously, I feel like I only just read Heir of Fire!

Reviews Posted:


  1. Why didn't they release an arc for Maas?! Smh

    Good job lee, I guess work has been nicer on you last month, allowed you to read more :D

    1. Yes, I had a bit of a breather, lol. Took advantage of it while I could!

  2. quality over quantity is what i like to say! although it's still hard for me not to feel down when i read little. also oh my god i'm so excited for queen of shadows. for me it feels like it's been ages since i've read heir of fire even though it's only been four months and i only finished the assassin's blade two months ago. i've been dying for queen of shadows though so i'm super pumped that it's out tomorrow though i'm not sure i'm able to get it right away. BUT AT LEAST IT'S OUT FOR ME TO BUY WHENEVER I WANT.

    1. I had a whole year between Heir of Fire and Queen of Shadows to get Assassin's Blade read, and fail- I didn't, lol. I'm way too excited about QoS to wait until I've read AB first, so I'll get around to the latter eventually. XD

  3. I'm glad that August was a better reading month for you my dear! I only finished 1 book in August compared to 3 in July, so I was the opposite of you LOL! And again: YAY for Avatar graphic novels :D I can't express how excited I am that you loved the series so much XD AND OMG IT'S QUEEN OF SHADOWS DAY!!!!! My copy shipped out yesterday but I suppose it's too much to ask for it to arrive today haha! Oh how I wish though...♥

    1. Don't booksellers know how BADLY we need our QoS copies? Not only that, but the release day should have been a worldwide holiday so we could just stay home and curl up with our books. :D


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