Thursday, February 5, 2015

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (71): Worst Harry Potter Death

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
Worst Harry Potter Death

Where to start? I was a total wreck when Fred, Lupin, Tonks, Dobby, and Hedwig all died. But the death that absolutely hit me the hardest was Sirius's. I had to go back and reread that scene multiple times because I was in total denial. He'd just gotten out of Azkaban after all of those years of imprisonment! He'd just been reunited with Harry! They were going to be a family! Whywhywhywhywhywhy?! To this day, I often change the channel when the Order of the Phoenix movie is on TV because I just can't watch that scene.


  1. Sirius was so difficult too because he was easy to love quickly. We all wanted to see him reap the benefits of being a good person since he'd been dealt a horrible hand so far.

    1. Sirius just could not catch a break in life, and what happened to him during the fight at the Ministry was such a cruel blow, one that devastated Harry as well.

  2. OMG I had to reread the scene too, I was in TOTAL denial that Sirius was taken from the world! AFTER Azkaban! AFTER losing his best friends who were his family! AFTER finally being reunited with Harry but still being a prisoner in his own home! WHYYYYY gah, why did he have to die???? I'll never get over that death. Not ever D:

    1. I was stunned when he died. I thought I must have misread that scene, because I couldn't believe that after everything he'd been through- now this?! For real?! :'( I'll never get over his death either.

  3. This one made me sad because of Harry's response to it. I really felt with him in that moment, his utter bereavement and denial. It was horrible. Here's my HP MOTW...

    1. I can barely watch Harry's reaction to Sirius's death in the movie because it's so heartbreaking.

  4. Sirius' death was so sad. You're right he had just gotten his life back on track after escaping Azkaban and had Harry and his other friends. I mean can't anyone in this series get a break.

    1. Right? Hardly anyone is immune to tragedy. I really wish Sirius and Harry had gotten more time together.

  5. I completely agree. I picked Sirius too. I literally had to put the book down to bawl my eyes out when that happened. You can't help but feel Harry's pain. :(

    1. I was too shocked to react at all at first, but when the reality that Sirius was really gone sank in, I was wrecked, especially since he was my favorite character!

  6. So many! The most outstanding death for me was Doby's (I cried), Sirius Black's and Snape's. My sister cried when one of the Weasley twin died. Gosh I forgot Hedwig died too! This is a mean post, I'd rather have forgotten that.

    1. I got teary during Dobby's death scene in the movie; actually seeing it acted out was just too much. :(


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