Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.
This week's topic is:
Could You Ever Double As a Spy Like Snape?
Could I ever double as a spy like Snape? Nope! There is no possible way I could ever be a double agent comparable to Snape. For one, I am a terrible liar. Secondly, I laugh when I'm nervous or in awkward/tense situations, like a lot. I would be discovered and killed off very early. Allison, on the other hand, would make a very good spy, being a skilled liar and very likable. One would only have to worry about which side she was really loyal to. Lee, sorry, but you're in the same boat as The Melissa.

Hah yeah laughing might tip them off :D Unless you pulled a crazy laugh like Bellatrix! :P
ReplyDeleteI am the some way, I am horrible at lying and I have an equally horrible poker face. And if that didn't tip them off, I would probably die of stress. It would be so hard to live with the knowledge that one wrong move, no matter how small, could get you killed. I would probably drop died of the stress long before they figured out I was a spy.
ReplyDeleteBahahaha Ula ^^ a crazy laugh like Bellatrix WOULD be handy - making yourself seem mental like her would probably make everything better. But yeah, I just know I wouldn't be able to pull off anything of the sort either. I'd start crying when they'd get to torturing and all that. Just a huge mess!
ReplyDeleteSame here I would be a dreadful spy! I am a horrible liar in genera..it is why I never play poker lol
ReplyDeleteI think I would be pretty good at Occlumency; I'm pretty good at keeping my thoughts to myself when I want, and I consider myself a good liar. However, I don't think I could handle the pressure that Snape was under constantly being around Voldemort all that time. I would eventually slip up, or crack under pressure. Especially since he had no support system to lean on. It would be horrible to be that alone. Here's my HP MOTW.
ReplyDeleteME TOO! I can't deal with awkward situations. I start laughing and it's not even funny!
ReplyDeleteI feel the same! I'm so bad at lying and I'm an expert at being awkward. It would never work.