Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.
This week's topic is:
Worst Spell
I probably overthought this week's topic; I wasn't sure whether to interpret "worst" to mean, say, least useful spell, or to mean, say, the Avada Kedavra kind of bad. I'm going with the latter since I can't really think of a spell that isn't handy, and I'm picking both Avada Kedavra and Crucio. I can see why Imperio is one of the three Unforgivable Curses, but it's the other two that really, really scare me. That scene in Goblet of Fire where Moody (well, the fake Moody) demonstrates all three curses on the spiders never fails to give me the creeps.

Definitely with you a 100% here. I didn't know which way to go with the topic either, but there isn't much worse than the unforgivables.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely. Just the thought of them makes me shudder.
DeleteSame with the spider scene, it just breaks my heart! I picked the Cruciatus curse because I can never forgive what happened to Neville's parents!
Thanks for sharing :)
Juli @ Universe in Word
What happened to the Longbottoms was so, so sad. Neville definitely made them proud, though.
Deletehaha yeah, I over thought this one a bit too much on my end too >.< I completely agree with you, seeing Moody perform the three Unforgivable Curses in class is burned in my mind as a really scary moment. Crucio and Avada Kedavra especially cause you could see the effect it was having on the poor creature...but when I think about Imperio, it's just as scary as the other two in it's own way. Loosing your free will is scary but when I think of Neville's poor parents and that whole tragic tale, I hate the Cruciatus Curse most of all!
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine being tortured the way Neville's parents were, and that scene where he visited them in St. Mungo's was gut-wrenching. I hated Bellatrix for that, and well, the whole Sirius thing, too!
DeleteI picked imperio but between the three, it was a close call. All three are sure lame and I cannot even fathom how anyone set to invent them in the first place. Just ugh, terrible.
ReplyDeleteI think at least AK kills you right away, no slow death and all.
Yes, good question- who even came up with these curses? Probably someone Voldemort-minded, I imagine.
DeleteHave you read that Huffington article about that jealous lady slamming J.K. Rowling, asking her to stop writing? That was whacked!
ReplyDeleteNo, I haven't seen it- wow. People are just . . . nuts!