Sunday, April 7, 2013

Discussing Game of Thrones: Valar Dohaeris

As we're sure all our fellow fans know, last Sunday was the Season 3 premiere of Game of Thrones. We managed to film a vlog containing our thoughts on "Valar Dohaeris." Be warned that there are spoilers, so if you haven't seen the episode yet, you might want to skip the vlog. Also, around the 12:53 mark, Lee goofs and says "Lord Tyrion" when she clearly meant "Lord Tywin." She feels like an idiot.


  1. Great vlog guys! I loved your comments and mostly agreed with what you had to say. I definitely agree about Dany mostly. I wasn't a huge fan of her book chapters, especially in Book 5...but I do think her storyline this season will be good. My favorite character though is Sansa and I'm not sure if I like that they're making Littlefinger "so obvious" when it was more of a mystery in the books. Besides, he's so gross. I hope he dies a miserable death.

    Can't wait for your next one! :)

    1. I really started losing track of Dany's story line in Book 5. I think they've broken down her chapters so far on the show very well, sticking with the basics. Littlefinger's scheming is a lot more subtle in the books; he's super creepy on the show, and that's saying something, considering how creepy he is in the books, lol.

  2. I haven't seen the episode yet but I SO want to go ahead and watch this..I am going to bookmark this and come back to squeee..LOL

    1. Definitely come back once you've watched the episode! Squeeing over GoT is ALWAYS welcome here!

  3. I just watched the first episode of the first season this weekend with my sister. Sex and rampant nakedness aside, I was really upset (ok not upset, just miffed) when I found out one of the bad guys was named Liza, lol. (My sister's a huge fan of the series and told me the Liza character is not how I would want to be described!)

    1. I once read a book with a protagonist who shared my name, and she was so wimpy and annoying, that I was a bit insulted to have the same name, lol.


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