Sunday, February 3, 2013

Know Me Better (4)

Know Me Better is a weekly meme hosted by I Am a Reader, Not a Writer.

Is there anything you would like to say to or ask your favorite author?
Lee: I'd like to tell Jane Austen how much I love her novels and ask her what inspired her to write Captain Wentworth's letter in Persuasion, my favorite novel of hers and my favorite novel of all-time.
Ally: I would probably end up gushing to J. K. Rowling about how much I love Harry Potter. If I could remain semi-coherent, I would ask her about the Marauders.

Are you a dreamer or a realist?
Lee: Realist. I'd rather face the hard truth than have it sugarcoated.
Ally: I'm a big-time dreamer.

Theater or Rental?
Lee: It depends. If I really want to see a movie, I'll go to the theater. Otherwise, I'll just wait for the DVD.
Ally: Rental. I'm the type of person who likes to insert my own commentary.

Share a family tradition.
For Thanksgiving, Lee makes two big trays of stuffing: one for dinner with the whole family, and one just for Lee, Ally, and Ally's two siblings to devour for brunch the next day.

Favorite late night snack?
Lee: White Castle hamburgers!
Ally: Chocolate as of right now.


  1. I love reading the "Know Me Better" interviews with you two. So much fun! I am a realist with a touch of dreamer...that's why I enjoy reading about things that could never happen in the real world. I'm with Ally on the favorite author question - I would definitely be gushing to J.K. Rowling who I happen to think is a genius with how much she created her world even beyond what she put in her books. Great answers y'all! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven

    1. Yeah, how cool would it be to sit down and chat with Rowling! She would think that I was a crazy fangirl.

  2. Wow you guys have such different answers. I definitely agree on Ally with the whole movie commentary one! Thanks for sharing.
    -Jelly @Jelly's Insider

    1. It's a bad habit of mine. I actually got yelled at to quiet down by somebody at the movies once. In my defense, I was only talking during the previews.

  3. I love you Jane Austen question and Captain Wentworth (swoon!) Found you through the blog hop and I'm following you.

    1. That letter is swoon-worthy, indeed! I really need to reread Persuasion soon. Thanks for following!

  4. That's one of the many things Florida is missing out on! At least you can buy them frozen. I nick them off of Lee all the time.

  5. Lol White Castle's hamburgers. I'll need to try them one day.

  6. This post reminded me of a while ago, about 8 years ago my friends and I went to watch a movie. One of my friends and I didn't like the movie so we spent the whole time making up stories about the actors and directors while filming and we kept laughing, it was so much fun. Luckily there weren't many people, no one told us to be quiet.

    1. It's always fun to go to the movies with friends, especially when you get to talk through it. It is not fun, however, when you're told to shush. I was really embarrassed, but we shut up after that.

  7. Lee - your stuffing must be pretty special!

    Ally - love chocolates! A must have

    1. It was my mom's recipe, and growing up, it was the best part of Thanksgiving. I could have made an entire meal just out of the stuffing, and I still can!

  8. Persuasion is by far my favorite Austen as well!

    1. I just love that novel with all my heart! The Letter is one of the most perfect pieces of prose ever written, at least in my opinion, lol.

  9. Loving these answers: Lee,your stuffing sounds amazing & I also go see movies I'm absolutely dying to see :)

    Ally, I'd definitely be gushing & possibly non-coherent if I ever met JKR...and I'm a dreamer too!

    Thanks for sharing ladies ♥

    1. Ally and Melissa ask me all the time when I'm going to make stuffing again. I tell them that if they eat it too often, they're going to be sick of it by Thanksgiving, but they insist that won't be the case!


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