Sunday, June 12, 2016

Fandom Mashups (58)

Fandom Mashups is a feature hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. There's a different scenario each week, and you choose a "dream team" of five characters from five different fandoms whom you think are best suited for the situation.

This week's topic is:
You were just killed (—wait, what?!) but you're not going to let that stop you from coming back. Pick 5 characters who cheated death to help you figure out how to return to the land of the living.

  1. Harry Potter: He is The Boy Who Lived, after all! XD
  2. Jon Snow (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones): FINALLY, a Stark who survived (at least on the TV show)!
  3. Gansey (The Raven Cycle): Gansey's near death as a child from a hornet attack so affected him, he set out on an exhaustive quest for the mythical king whom he thought helped saved his life.
  4. Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender): I still shudder whenever I think of Azula hitting Aang with lightning at the end of Book 2. :/
  5. Feyre (A Court of Thorns and Roses): I know I could've easily gone with Feyre's sister-from-another-Maas-series Aelin, who's defied death countless times, but I'm still nursing a book hangover from A Court of Mist and Fury, and Aelin needs a week off every once in a while, lol. Besides, Feyre is also a survival expert.


  1. Awww Gansey and Aang!! Excellent choices ♥ They totally slipped my mind too - sometimes I think I have too much of a one track minds with these posts XD Harry Potter, of course, was not forgotten LOL! I *almost* went with Feyre too, she's awesome here^^ and in general :)

    1. Harry was the first character who popped into my head when I saw this week's topic, lol. I'm often one track minded with these, too, which explains why Gansey showed up yet again! XD

  2. Yay for Jon Snow! I thought of him when I saw Micheline's post but I couldn't think of any others... the rest of these I don't know very well but looks like a great list!

    1. After Harry, Jon was the next character who came to mind. What a season he's had so far!

  3. OMG, you know I feel the same way about Feyre and ACoMaF. As long as I have my own Rhys when I come back, I'm good!

    Oddly enough, I'll enlist Voldemort. There was an HP marathon when I was down in Orlando and I kept cheering for him much to my sister & son's annoyance even if Ivan is Slytherin. Hahaha

    1. LOLOLOL! I think we'd all want a Rhys waiting for us when we came back! XD

  4. You know I'm down for your one and two!!!

    1. LOL! Those two are absolutely perfect for this situation!

  5. Definitely Harry! He just walked straight into it not knowing he would be safe. Gansey as well is an excellent choice. I haven't read the last one and his fate's up in the air for me. I absolutely need to find out what happens in his story, but one review book left first.

    1. I can't wait for you to read The Raven King- you're almost there! :D


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