Sunday, January 31, 2016

Fandom Mashups (39)

Fandom Mashups is a feature hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. There's a different scenario each week, and you choose a "dream team" of five characters from five different fandoms whom you think are best suited for the situation.

This week's topic is:
Your team of annoying characters came through for you last week - but now you're stuck with them O.O Which characters (heroes OR villains) do you want to come and get rid of them? (Part 2 of 2)

It's time to get rid of those annoying characters from last week! Whenever possible, I tried to match up each annoying character with the character I felt was best suited to get rid of him/her, lol.

  1. Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy): Rose can teach Elena from The Vampire Diaries a thing or two about how to be a badass heroine in a vampire book.
  2. Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars): Yes, Obi Wan once tried to teach young Anakin Skywalker to use the Force for good, and things didn't . . . work out so well. So here's his second shot at getting Anakin to quit being so whiny, and if Obi Wan fails to get through to him again, well, we all know that Obi Wan will do what he has to do.
  3. Celaena/Aelin (Throne of Glass): She's not here to take out anyone specific; obviously, she could eliminate everyone on the entire list while barely lifting a finger. So she's kind of here as backup, in case there are any especially troublesome characters. XD
  4. Fred & George Weasley (Harry Potter): OK, totally cheating here with two characters, but you can't get revenge on Filch without including both Weasley twins.
  5. Arya Stark (Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire): Arya's been through a lot, but she doesn't moan about like her cousin, Robert/Robin Arryn does. I have a feeling that Arya wouldn't put up with her cousin's whining for very long, and if anyone could make him quit, she could.


  1. I love how you matched up the annoying characters from last week with our saviors this week :D I still need to meet Rose and really I need to get on that, a badass female in a Vampire story is a rarity indeed! OBI WAN ♥ my favorite Jedi! Giving him a chance to redeem himself with Ani was good of you LOL! And naturally, you know what I'm going to say about Celaena and Fred and George *gushing* so I'll leave it at that haha - awesome picks^^

    1. Rose is a no-nonsense kind of lady and would get fed up with Elena very quickly, lol. I also think that Rose and Celaena would get along very well because they don't put up with any crap from anyone! XD

  2. Hahaha Fred & George!! OMG that's brilliant! That would be so awesome just watching them do their pranks and test their new products.

    1. They could definitely get up to a lot mischief, lol. And it would be hilarious to watch, too!

  3. I love that you chose Rose to help with Elena! That's such a perfect fit. She's definitely the example of what a bad-ass girl in YA books should be. I also LOVE that you put Fred and George to be paired with Filch. Of course they would be the best bet for getting revenge on hi. Throw in Peeves as a bonus and that would be hilarious to see :D LOL

    1. Elena could learn so many things from Rose, especially how to kick ass! It's funny that you mentioned Peeves because I thought about choosing him to deal with Filch, but then we might need another character to get rid of Peeves, lol.


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