Fandom Mashups is a feature hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. There's a different scenario each week, and you choose a "dream team" of five characters from five different fandoms whom you think are best suited for the situation.
This week's topic is:
You've been imprisoned by an unfair and tyrannical leader for speaking your mind. Who do you hope is in there with you? For company AND to help you escape!
- Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass): Celaena knows ALL about 1) being imprisoned, 2) tyrannical rulers, and 3) kicking ass. She'd work tirelessly to get us out and then go take out the leader.
- Harry Potter: Umbridge punished Harry horribly for speaking out about Voldemort, so he can totally relate to this situation. He's got magic, Celaena/Aelin has magic, so we're outta there!
- Brienne of Tarth (A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones): Brienne wouldn't take crap from a tyrant, and she'd fight our way out of prison, no matter the number of guards, if she had to.
- Aang (Avatar: The Last Airbender): Aang would be the voice of calm, urging everyone not to give up. Plus, he can go into the Avatar state and blast the prison walls away!
- Batman: Not sure if the Dark Knight would make great company exactly, but surely he has at least one gadget in his arsenal that would come in handy for escaping. Bat-lockpick? XD

Hell Yes Celaena fucking Sardothien! She'd be a pro at both escaping AND taking down any tyrannical leader. PLUS you get to hang out with her :D Combine her with Harry Potter and you have a winning combination right there. Harry's a pro at both of those scenarios too - plus, he's HARRY POTTER ♥ Aang!!! Oh I can totally see Aang keeping everyone together and working as a team. He's SUCH a sweetheart :) BATMAN! I don't know, I think he'd be pretty fabulous company...but I'm probably biased since I'm pretty much in love with both The Dark Knight and Christian Bale LOL!
ReplyDeleteWith his personality, I think Aang could bring ANYONE together, and he might even make Batman smile! :D