Saturday, August 23, 2014

Bout of Books 11: Day 5 Update & Spell It Out Challenge

I read 140 pages of Isla and the Happily Ever After yesterday. It's the kind of book that you just want to stay up all night reading (though I didn't. Sleep won.)

Current Read: Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins
Total Pages Read: 598
Total Books Read: 1

Spell It Out Challenge

Hosted by Kimberly Faye Reads

Despite having a short first name (Lee), I couldn't find 2 books that began with "E." So I spelled out my initials (LAS) instead:

Previous Updates:


  1. Looks like you had a great reading day one Friday!! I didn't read much Friday because of sleep.
    Hope the last few days of the read-a-thon are good ones :D
    Happy reading

    1. I can totally relate to needing sleep! That's how I was at the beginning of the week. Luckily, I got in some extra reading before work to make up a little for going to bed earlier than I usually do. I hope you're enjoying the last day of Bout of Books, too! :)

  2. Oh man, I bet it would be difficult to find two e's. I love these challenges, but it would be pretty hard to spell my name out too. I don't think I've read a book that begins in Y. I like that you decided to go with your initials instead. 140 pages is great!

    1. The only sort of "E" book I have is The Eternity Cure, and I wasn't sure if that counted because it has "The" in front of it. I was very lucky to have books that spelled out my initials, lol.

  3. If I choose to spell my name, I am not sure I would be able to find one book beginning with O! So I think spelling our your initials worked better. I have been savouring Isla since I read both Anna and Lola the past couple of days, both times staying up late, unable to put them down and sleep certainly did not win out, so I imagine you must have been tired to put Isla down!

    1. I was the kind of tired where you just pass out from exhaustion, lol. Work has been extremely busy, and it's a struggle to keep my eyes open past 9 pm. I did finish Isla over the weekend though- such a sweet, lovely book! :D


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