Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 2014 Recap

January was kind of a tough month for me reading-wise. I was really excited about starting a new year in books, but being disappointed by two big name titles in a row put a little damper on my enthusiasm. I feel like I'm in a bit of a reading slump right now, but sometimes that just happens. February should be better, if only because Ignite Me, the final Shatter Me novel, is coming out on Tuesday! EEEP!

Reviews Posted:

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TBR Reading Challenge Progress:

  • Books Read/Reviewed: 1


  1. Everyone has these kinds of months, where it seems like you can't pick any good books to read. And don't worry about the reading slump, like you said, sometimes it just happens and we can't help it.
    Happy February reading, I hope its a better month for you :D

    1. Thanks. :D It's been a while since my last reading slump, so I really can't complain, plus it'll pass eventually.

  2. I'm still so bummed for you that you were hit with to flops from highly anticipated a row. Those kinds of phases are no fun! Hopefully you can shake it all off soon - especially with Ignite Me coming out soon :-D January certainly flew by anyways - I still can't believe it's already February >.< Here's hoping you have a very happy & bookish month xx

    1. I can't believe it's February, either! And since it's a short month, it's probably going to be gone before we blink, too. I am so psyched for Ignite Me! Fingers crossed that it's not a disappointment, because it's definitely one of my most anticipated reads of the year.

  3. Try reading out of your comfort zone or some well recommended shorts & novellas. That usually works for me.

    1. I hope this month will be better for you :)

    2. Thanks, Braine. I borrowed a Dark Hunter book from the library to take a short break from YA, and I just realized today it's not the next book I need. Doh!


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