Thursday, July 26, 2012

Feature & Follow Friday (8)

Feature & Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee's View and
Alison Can Read. It's a great way to meet other book bloggers!

This week's question is:
Summer Reading. What was your favorite book that you were REQUIRED to read when you were in school?

Ally: The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton. It was very interesting to a 7th grader. I liked all of the action in it.

Lee: Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. I had to read the abridged version for 12th grade, and I loved its theme of redemption. I love the musical adaptation, too, and I can't wait for the movie version of it in December.


  1. I really liked the Outsiders too - that was definitely a good one. It actually made for a pretty great book-to-movie adaptation too, which can be tough to find sometimes!

    1. Oh man, I really want to see the movie adaptation! I haven't had the opportunity to see it yet, but I heard it's great. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I loved the Outsiders, so much bought my own copy and read it over and over again.

    My FF

    1. Yeah, the Outsiders is a great book! Sadly, I don't have my own copy. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Lovely choices, Ladies! Thanks for stopping by My FF!
    =D Happy Friday!

  4. I think Les Mis was also one of my required reads but I don't think I actually loved the story until I saw the play. After that I had to read it again to truly appreciate it. Great choice!

    *GFC Follower*

    My FF

    1. Seeing the show on Broadway made me appreciate the novel more, too. If I ever read it again, I'd like to try the unabridged version.

      Thanks for stopping by and following!

  5. The Outsiders is an awesome read. Haven't read Les Miserables yet but its on my shelf to read. New Follower. Thanks for sharing. =] Here is My FF
    Michael @ The Bookshelf Review

    1. Yup, The Outsiders is one of my favorite books! I haven't read Les Mis either, but I need to before the new musical comes out! Thanks for stopping by and following! :)

  6. I haven't read either of those. I've always wanted to read the Outsiders because everyone seems to love it! old follower!

    My FF

    Ning @ Reading by Kindle Fire

    1. You should really read The Outsiders, it's a great book! Thanks for dropping by!

  7. I read The Outsiders in 8th grade and liked it. Haven't read it since, so my opinion might have changed a bit, haha.

    Old follower!
    My FF

    1. Good point! I wonder what I will think of The Outsiders if I read it now. Thanks for stopping by!

  8. I also read The Outsiders! I love the book and the movie.

    Feature & Follow | TGIF

    Lisa @ Shatterbooks

    1. Aww, I really need to see the movie adaptation! I loved the book and I heard the movie was really great too. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. I haven't read either of these, but Les Miserables looks awesome :) The movie is getting ready to come out!!!!!
    The Brunette Librarian Blog

    1. The Outsiders is a great book! I haven't read Les Mis either, but I'm really psyched for the movie too!

  10. I liked The Outsiders, although it didn't make my list. Old follower! My FF

    1. I thought The Outsiders was a great book; it was the only decent book I ever got to read as a school assignment. Thanks for stopping by!

  11. I didn't get to read any of those >_< I would've loved Les Miserables I bet. Need to check them out now that I'm older and it's not required, haha.

    Old follower. Thanks for stopping by my FF.

    1. Les Miz was really good; I definitely recommend it. There are a lot of classics that I'd like to read now that I'm an adult and not being forced to read them for school, lol.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. I loved the Outsiders in school! Plus, we got to watch the movie which was so cool. New follower!

    My FF

    1. Yeah, The Outsiders is a great book! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I really want to. Thanks for stopping by and following! :)

  13. I didn't read any of these books... but I'm excited to see Les Miserables too :D New follower!


    1. I can't wait to see the movie. It looks amazing!

      Thanks for stopping by and following!

  14. Excellent choices, enjoy! your week-end.

  15. The Outsiders was a good one (although I read it for my freshman year of high school!) Les Misérables was not assigned reading though but is on my TBR list. I was hoping to read it before the movie but not sure if that's going to happen. :)
    New follower!
    My Follow Friday Post!

    1. I'm really looking forward to the movie because I love the musical. I hope that you get the chance to read the novel. :)

      Thanks for stopping by and following!

  16. AAHH! I'm right there with you on Les Miserable! It was my absolute favorite book in high school and I've been dying for the movie to come out in December. I even was lucky enough to see it on Broadway. It's such an amazing story- more people should read it! New follower- drop by for a visit at and follow if you'd like :)

    1. I saw the musical on Broadway, too, and it was amazing. I'm such a nerd that I own the 10th and 25th anniversary concerts on DVD, too. The story is just so incredible.

      Thanks for stopping by and following!

  17. I haven't read either one of those, although they're both on my to-read list. I've heard really great things about The Outsiders.

    Old follower. My F&F post :)

    1. The Outsiders is a really good book! It's definitely worth reading! Thanks for stopping by!

  18. you know what I never had to read the miserable. didn't know the other.

    here is mine

    1. I didn't like a lot of the books that I had to read for school. Les Miz was one of the few exceptions.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  19. I have only read the abridged version of Les Mis, but I love the musical!
    I'm a new follower of your blog!
    My FF post here!

    1. I had to read the abridged version as well. Out of curiosity, I looked at the complete version in a bookstore one day, and I couldn't believe how big it was. I love the musical, too, and am really excited about the movie adaptation.

      Thanks for stopping by and following!

  20. I haven't read Into The Wild, but it sounds interesting! Thanks for stopping by!

  21. I loved The Outsiders! And the movie was filmed in my hometown and high school!
    I'm a new follower via GFC. You can find my FF at I’m having my blog launch and Giveaway!

    1. That is so cool that the movie was filmed in your hometown and high school! Sadly, I've never seen the movie, but I really want to!

      Thanks for stopping by and following! :)

  22. I remember The Outsiders! And I have a friend who's obsessed with the Les Miz musical, but she said the book spent way too long describing a priest or something, so she gave up. I'm going to attempt to read it something!

    Old follower!

    1. I'm obsessed with the musical, too. When I found out that it was being turned into a movie, it made my day.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  23. New follower and happy to have met a fellow Daria fan!

    As for your answers to the question, I wasn't forced to read either of those in high school or middle school. It makes me wonder what exactly I read in high school, since I didn't have to read To Kill a Mockingbird either.

    1. Like a mega-nerd, I bought the Daria DVD set the week that it was released. I really miss that show.

      Looking at everyone's answers today, there are a lot of books that I somehow didn't get forced to read, either. I always thought that one of the oddest choices was for sophomore year, when I had to read Robert Fulghum's All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.

      Thanks for stopping by and following!

  24. Someone else mentioned The Outsiders today, too - must be quite a good book, but I have no idea what it's about :/
    My FF:

    1. Oh my, you really need to check The Outsiders out! It's a great book! Thanks for stopping by!

  25. I'm checking out the blurb of The Outsiders now... ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my FF - I followed you back!

    1. Yay! I hope you get a chance to read it! Thanks for stopping by and following!

  26. I was not ever required The Outsiders, but do remember reading it on my own, it was good.
    FF Post

    1. I'm kind of indebted to my teacher because I never would have read The Outsiders on my own. Thanks for stopping by!


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