Tuesday, December 10, 2019

2020 Beat the Backlist Reading Challenge

Another year—and another decade—is almost in the books, so to speak, which means it's time to start thinking about reading goals for 2020! My never-ending TBR is loaded with backlist titles, which is why I'm joining Novel Knight's Beat the Backlist challenge again.

It's a bit sad to admit this, but several of the books I'd hoped to read for this year's challenge are making return appearances on my list of planned reads for next year's challenge because I'm just not going to get to them in 2019. Oh well, lol. So here's what I'd really love to read in 2020:

I'm also joining the team mini challenge. I am ALWAYS adding books to my TBR even though it's already impossibly long, so it's The TBR Stackers team for me, lol!

Are you joining any reading challenges for 2020?

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