Thursday, February 23, 2017

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (157)

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme created by Uncorked Thoughts and hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
Would You Rather Battle Draco or Lucius?

I could be wrong about this, but I feel like dueling Lucius would be the more challenging option. Since I'm not that ambitious, lol, I'll take my chances battling Draco. I think I'd try to take a page from Fake Moody and attempt to Transfigure Draco into a ferret so maybe he'd just run away from the fight. XD


  1. Ha! OMG Lee, PLEASE Transfigure Draco into a ferret and let me be there when you do XD That would literally make my LIFE LOL!

    1. I'll absolutely make sure you're there to witness it! XD

  2. I can think of a few people I'd like to transform into ferrets! Just temporarily mind you. :):) Seriously though I don't know? I know Draco's the kid but I don't know Lucius, but from Micheline's post he looks like a jerk lol.

  3. I picked the same. I feel like I would be more likely to survive a battle with Draco than Lucius (even though Lucius deserves to be beaten more). I like the version where I I hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Yes, I like that version, too, lol! I hope you're having a great weekend, too! :D

  4. I'd go with your choice as well! I think I prefer Lucius as a character (what?? I love bad guys, okay?), but beating Draco would be easier simply because he has less experience with magic - even if their power level is around the same.

    A slightly harder one, I think, would be: Would you rather battle Molly Weasely or Bellatrix?

    Ellie | On the Other Side of Reality

    1. I totally wouldn't want to mess with Molly, lol, so I'd take my chances with Bellatrix! XD

  5. I think, due to the Death Eater-ishness of Lucius, I'd tangle with Draco. Although knowing me I'd probably just put him in a bathroom with a troll and run.


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