Sunday, July 19, 2015

Fandom Mashups (11)

Fandom Mashups is a feature hosted by Lunar Rainbows Reviews. There's a different scenario each week, and you choose a "dream team" of five characters from five different fandoms whom you think are best suited for the situation.

This week's topic is:
You're going on a shopping spree. Win! Who do you want to go splurging with?

  1. Alice Cullen (Twilight): A fashion expert like Alice is absolutely necessary in this situation.
  2. Tony Stark (Iron Man): If we're going shopping for hi-tech toys, then Tony's incomparable knowledge in this area would be invaluable.
  3. Alfred Pennyworth (Batman): We're hoping to hire Alfred for the day to chauffeur us and all of our purchases around.
  4. Adrian Ivashkov (Vampire Academy/Bloodlines): Adrian lives a pretty affluent lifestyle himself and would be a lot of fun to have tag along on this adventure.
  5. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games): Katniss developed some solid haggling skills trading at The Hob, so those might come in handy here.


  1. Woah! NICE selection here everyone! Alice Cullen would definitely be an asset to ANY shopping adventure! Tony Stark is a good one too, plus he's loaded so he might just treat everyone :D Awww Alfred! He could drive everyone around and be all snarky and make everyone laugh haha! Oh and Katniss is a nice choice, I never would have thought of her! I still don't know Adrian though but I will (at some point)

    1. I think you'll like Adrian very, very much. :D His snark plus Tony and Alfred's snark would make for one awesome shopping trip!

  2. I just love these fandom mash-ups. I would have to post on another day due to my Sunday Cover Scramble, but I'm thinking I'll start putting some up on Mondays when I can. As I was going through the list, I was nodding my head vigorously at Alice Cullen...excellent choice there! Tony Stark also makes a lot of sense to me because buying gadgets is always fun as well. I was definitely wondering why Alfred made the list until reading the reason and that is hilarious! Too true :D Adrian again makes a lot of sense, but I was questioning Katniss again until reading the reason. She can definitely help with the negotiating and haggling process! Fantastic choices :D

    1. Yay- I hope you do join in on the fun, even if you post a day later! :D These posts are such a blast to write, and I absolutely love checking out the teams everyone comes up with!

  3. You picked such a great team guys =D. I didn't even think about Alfred, but he would be perfect. Not only would his opinion be great, but (like you guys said) we would need someone to drive us places. Especially if you have Tony with, just imagine some of the tech things you would buy that you would hate to carry around all day =D
    Katniss would be great to bring along, because like you've said, she could get us some pretty good deals. She would also be good because protect us if anyone wanted to kill us all and come on, Tony Stark's there, someone always wants to kill him.

    1. Hahaha! That's a really good point about someone always out to kill Tony! XD I'd love to see Katniss deliver a smackdown to any would-be assassins, and then Tony could say something witty, lol!


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