Thursday, November 6, 2014

Harry Potter Moment of the Week (59): Best Luna Moment

Harry Potter Moment of the Week is a meme hosted by Uncorked Thoughts. The aim of this meme is to share with fellow bloggers a character, spell, chapter, object or quote from the books/films/J. K. Rowling herself or anything Potter related! A list of upcoming topics can be found here.

This week's topic is:
Best Luna Moment

Luna Lovegood is such an awesome character. I love her for her quirkiness and how free-spirited she is. She's also extremely kind and an amazing friend. I think my favorite Luna moment is that scene toward the end of Order of the Phoenix, when Harry finds her looking for her missing possessions. He's been unable to talk to anyone about that horrible thing-that-must-not-be-named-that-happened-to-Sirius, but it's Luna who finds just the right words to say. It's such a poignant moment, and only one of the many demonstrations of Luna's enormous heart.


  1. Luna ALWAYS seems to be able to find the perfect thing to say - especially to Harry, when it seems no one else could reach him. Just a few well chosen words and everything just sort of hits home, you know? I just love her to pieces for that! Imean, Harry has his fair share of wonderful friends but it's moments like these ^^ that show Luna's value in all of that ♥ Wonderful pick :)

    1. I think this moment really cemented the friendship between Luna and Harry, and I found her words comforting, too, because ... Sirius! :'( Luna understood Harry's grief all too well, and what she said to him- it was just perfect. ❤

  2. She is sweet and clam, and I love that she has no filter. She just says what she thinks and that was probably what Harry needed most at that time. :)
    Lovely pick!

    1. I LOVE how unfiltered she is, too, even when she's talking about Nargles! I also love how she doesn't care what other people think; she's just Luna. :D

  3. This is my pick for the week too! I love the character of Luna, and the fact that she was the one to help Harry in this moment says a lot about who she is as a person. Great choice! Here's my HP MOTW.

    1. I was so happy that Luna continued to be a big part of the rest of the series. It definitely wouldn't have been the same without her!

  4. Is it me but I find the actress playing her very Luna in real life. Like she has that weird vibe going on for her too.

    1. She was perfect for the part. I wish I were more Luna-like: carefree and just going about my life without worrying what everybody else thinks.


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