Two weeks ago, I went to the library for the first time in months. Months! The huge gap between visits has mostly been due to lack of time, but I've also been trying to get through some of the books on my shelves at home.
I ended up with a rather unexpected addition to my shelves this month. Ally and I were in Target one night checking out the book section, and we spotted Percy Jackson's Greek Gods. She loves the series and I enjoy it, too, even though—I've only read the first book. :/ Anyway, we started flipping through PJ's version of Greek mythology, and it was HILARIOUS! The book is also wonderfully illustrated, and, well, it was pretty much love at first sight for me with this one.

If I Stay Blu-RayThe Bane Chronicles by Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, & Maureen Johnson
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods by Rick Riordan & John Rocco

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