I've been tagged to do the Seven Deadly Sins Questionnaire, created by BookishlyMalyza, by my dear bloggy buddy Micheline over at Lunar Rainbows. Her post was awesome, and I couldn't resist joining in on the fun. Thanks, Micheline! :D
1. Greed. What's your most inexpensive book? What's your most expensive one?
I keep an eye out for Amazon Kindle deals; sometimes you catch a really great $0.99 sale or even a really awesome freebie. I've been eager to check out Brigid Kemmerer's Elemental series, and right now you can grab the first book, Storm, for free for your Kindle! Off the top of my head, the most I remember paying for a book is for my copy of Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey. Pricey, but absolutely worth it!
2. Wrath. What author do you have a love-hate relationship with?
I can completely relate to Micheline's feelings toward Stephenie Meyer. I don't know if I ever would have fallen back in love with reading again as an adult if it hadn't been for Twilight, but looking back on that series now, I'm definitely not as in love with it as I once was. I also have a love-hate thing with George R. R. Martin. I LOOOOOOOOVE his A Song of Ice and Fire series but HATE the wait between books and the whole killing-off-my-favorite-characters thing.
3. Gluttony. What book have you devoured over and over again with no shame?
Micheline and I also have this answer in common: Harry Potter. I read the first four books one after the other, then repeated before the release of Order of the Phoenix. Then I reread those five books before the release of Half-Blood Prince. Then I reread those six books so I was prepared for Deathly Hallows. DH so utterly blew me away that once I'd devoured it the first time, I immediately started it from the beginning, the only time I've ever read the same book twice in a row.
4. Sloth. What book have you neglected reading due to laziness?
I've gotten really lazy about continuing Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series. It's not that I don't want to continue, it's . . . laziness, lol.
5. Pride. What book do you talk about most in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
Probably any of Shakespeare's plays, because I think just saying "iambic pentameter" sounds cerebral!
6. Lust. What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?
For the ladies, I like smart heroines who don't whine about their problems but instead work on solving them. Sarcasm is also very welcome. As for the lads, ditto on the snarkiness. I also tend to like moody, broody boys.
7. Envy. What book would you most like to receive as a gift?
The Harry Potter 15th anniversary box set, with those gorgeous covers, makes me drool whenever I see it.
So here's the part where I'm supposed to tag some other peeps. I always feel a bit awkward doing that sort of thing, so if you'd like to just go ahead and whip up a post like this one, go for it, and leave me your link below so I can check it out. :)

Ah! I love this. I did the same thing with Harry Potter except mine was the first three in order then re-read all every time the next one was about to come out. I've read them twice since all books were out as well. I would adore having that new gift set too. I'm with you, those covers are amazing. I also very much agree with what you look for in male and female characters! Jaclyn @ JC's Book Haven.
ReplyDeleteI'm long overdue for an HP reread! It's actually been years since the last one. I definitely need to find some time for it!
DeleteIambic pentameter!! OMG I remember that! xD I also love how we have wrath and gluttony in common, though that last one isn't surprising in the least! ♥ Oh and I absolutely must get my hands on Harry Potter Page to Screen! I need it. I'm glad you participated and I loved reading your answers, so much fun :D
ReplyDeleteThanks again for tagging me; I love how clever this is! You most certainly need the HP Page to Screen book! I winced at the price when I bought it, but it's a beautifully assembled book, from the color quality of the photos to the glossy paper it's printed on to the depth of the detail all around, including the behind-the-scenes stories. A must-have for Potter fanatics like us! :D
DeleteI agree on so many of these LOL Stephanie Meyer's last book frustrated me beyond belief..hate the wait for GOT books.. I like dark and snarky male protagonists as well!
ReplyDeleteEveryone's kind of freaking out about the GoT TV series catching up with the books, which it has for some characters already. I'm not sure how I like the show adding original material/actually getting ahead of the books, especially the latter. The best possible outcome would be news of a new book soon!
DeleteLove this post, Lee! And yes, iambic pentameter does sound cerebral, we are snobbish like that ;)
ReplyDeleteI slacked off Dark-Hunters too after Styxx, I even DNF'd that one because it's too much! Anyway, I hope someone gifts you HP 15 for Christmas
Maybe Santa will take pity on me this Christmas, haha! Not only have I left the Dark-Hunters hanging in the air, but I also haven't gotten around to reading the latest Chronicles of Nick book, either. I have been trying to catch up on series lately (Heir of Fire!), so maybe I'll be able to get back into DH and CoN soon.
DeleteI really liked this list. I definitely have to agree about Harry Potter series being my gluttony along with J.R. Ward's Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I think as well that I have to agree with you about Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark-Hunter series, I really enjoyed it, but I seem to have lost interest since it is so long and I am a bit too lazy at the moment to chase up the rest of the series. I will have to get back to it someday, but I am pleased to hear I am not alone. Fabulous post!
ReplyDeleteI tried a few months ago to start up with the Dark-Hunter books again, but I'd lost track of what book I was up to and ended up borrowing the wrong one from the library. When I returned it, they didn't have the one I needed, and I've been wallowing in sloth ever since, lol.