Sunday, April 1, 2018

March 2018 Recap

To those celebrating today, Happy Easter! I'm trying to pace myself with the Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. XD It's also April Fool's Day, and I wish this were an April Fool's joke: I posted once last month. :/ I wasn't going to bother with a March recap, but I did read 2 books and 1 short story last month, which is a lot more reading than I've been managing lately.

The short story was Maggie Stiefvater's "Opal," which is a segue between The Raven King and her forthcoming Ronan trilogy. Obviously, I highly, highly, highly recommend reading it. :)

I've got a couple of reviews backlogged, which should be posting soon-ish if I remember to type them up. I still do things old school, lol, preferring to write my reviews on paper first. It's an extra step, but in an ever-increasing digital world, I'm clinging to my paper!

Happy April reading and blogging, everyone!


  1. Happy Easter!! And yeah same here wit the chocolate- I'm scarfing it down today!!

    1. Happy Easter to you, too, Greg! I'm trying to have some self-control with all of the chocolate currently in my refrigerator, but it's sooo hard, lol!


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